Tree Planting Service In Hayward
When planting a tree on your land, the Ridge Tree Trimming Service team will advise you on the choice of tree species and on its future location. Planting a tree on your land will bring you many benefits. Indeed, the tree in an urban environment is not just a simple decorative element. He is a living organism. It provides us with oxygen and fights against the greenhouse effect. It cleans the air by releasing oxygen, storing carbon, and recycling moisture from the atmosphere. In addition, trees help prevent soil erosion, reduce the impact of climate change, and act as a natural windbreak. The tree is an important resource for our society. It performs essential work in an urban environment, its presence brings ecological, social, aesthetic, and economic benefits.

When is the best time to plant a tree?
Deciduous trees can be planted as early as the spring when the ground is thawed. They can also be planted in the fall, from leaf fall until frost. You should know that you can plant a tree throughout the summer on its land, you will however have to make sure to water it sufficiently. Conifers also respond well to planting in early spring and fall (the first week of August to the end of October).

How long should I water my tree after I plant it?
Water your tree abundantly for two to four hours twice a week, for the first two or three months, and once a month thereafter, for the first year. The amount of water may vary slightly, whether you have soil that drains easily or not. It is important to take care that the roots do not dry out. In the second year, water twice a month in late spring and summer. However, the roots of the tree must not be flooded, they must receive enough oxygen for their growth.

Should I install a stake for my tree?
It is important to install a stake for trees longer than one centimeter. The stake is essential in order to protect the tree against wind, people or animals. It is essential to ensure that the brackets of the stake do not damage the bark of the small tree. Stakes usually need to be removed after two or three growing seasons. It is very important to watch the tutor’s attachments, it often happens to see tree trunks strangled by them.