Tree Trimming Service Oakland CA
If you are looking for Tree Trimming Service Oakland CA, then continue reading…Oakland is the largest city in California. Other than busy ports, and industries, the specialty of this city is that its fertile soil encourages the growth of rich vegetation. Trees like Hillside oak and redwood timber serve as useful resources for the people of this city.
Oakland – Home of heritage oaks
More than one-eighth of the land area of Oakland is covered with Oak trees. The Woodlands of Oak form a beautiful landscape. These woodlands contain 19 different species of Oak. In the 18th century, before the arrival of the Spanish, these woodlands served as the living space for Ohlone people. Acorns produced from Oaktree ensured a reliable source of food for these inhabitants, but as the city grew with the passing centuries, Oak trees began to be removed due to urbanization. Presently, the shores of Lake Merritt are home to the age-old Heritage Oaks.
Interesting facts about Northern California trees
Northern California is blessed with natural splendors. Other than a vast coastline and towering mountain peaks, California is also known as the habitat for the tallest trees. Some of the interesting trees are redwood, pine, and palm.
- Redwood: These trees grow up to the size of a skyscraper. The average height of these trees is 367 ft. They have an interesting feature of regeneration and ability to cope despite any natural calamities like forest fires, or swarms of insects.
- Different species of pines- These trees have the highest lifespan because they can sustain in extreme climatic conditions like freezing temperatures or high winds. They grow at a very slow rate which makes them immune to harmful insects, rot, and fungus.
Northern California has different varieties of pine trees. They are Jeffrey pine, Knobcone pine, Ponderosa Pine and many others. Jeffrey pine releases a very sweet smell that resembles butterscotch, vanilla, or pineapple odor. Knobcone pines have the special ability to release the seeds under special circumstances, for example, a forest fire. Ponderosa pine served as the source for nuclear tests in the 1950s.

Special permission required for heritage tree removal from Oakland City
In 1932, the first ordinance was passed for the protection of heritage trees in Oakland. According to that ordinance, the permit for removing heritage trees needs official approval.
Tree removal permits for developmental and non-developmental works depend upon the criteria in the Protected Trees Ordinance. A permit application is processed in 5 weeks. If a particular permit is either approved or denied, then it goes for appeals. The permit is given if there is no appeal and if any permit is appealed then different procedures and timeframes are followed.
ln case of both heritage tree removal and tree trimming services, A scientific procedure is followed by skilled arborists to ensure a healthy environment and the safety of local inhabitants.
Botanical Garden of Berkeley
The botanical garden of Berkeley spreads over an area of 34 acres consisting of 10,000 types of endangered plant species. The garden is arranged geographically and showcases plant varieties from Italy to SouthAfrica. The garden was first established in 1890 by the chairman of the Botany Department (University of California), E.L Green. It was built to create a living habitat for native trees, shrubs, and medicinal plants of California and other varieties from the areas of the Pacific coast. Presently these species are used for International Research projects. The plants are arranged by their origin country or regions like Asia, Africa, Australia, Mediterranean, Southern America, Central America, and California.
Trees have always been a specialty of Oakland. The early inhabitants thrived on trees like Oaks for their survival. Although developmental works have partially taken over the natural beauty, different varieties of trees (that are conserved) continues to attract traders, tourists, researchers from all over the world to this city.
Oakland Tree Service needs are fulfilled by Ridge Tree Trimming Service, Call us for a free quote.