Commercial tree service in Piedmont
Depending on the tree’s needs, shape, scale at maturity and function, the professionals at Ridge Tree Trimming Service, Piedmont, will help you determine the best tree to plant in your environment. Since antlers can cause more problems to adjacent structures than roots, it is imperative to consider planting long term in order to enhance the value of your property.
This is why it is strongly recommended entrust this step to an expert. You will thus be assured of minimal stress for your trees, adequate preparation of the site and planting carried out according to the rules of the art. Planting trees is an investment that will benefit you for years to come.
Reasons to plant and maintain trees
Why and how to plant and maintain trees, here are 5 good reasons!
We owe life on earth to trees
The tree is a vital resource for society. Without a tree, life on Earth would be simply impossible. Life began with plants. Without the wooded cover of our planet, which includes more than 300,000 plant species, the animal life that we know would never have existed. Continuously adapting to the natural dynamics of their environment, these tree forms quickly invaded almost all of the emerged land to form the first forests.

Trees have a role in urban balance
Trees have always been intimately linked to human evolution. However, through ignorance or for strictly historical reasons, green spaces were among the first victims of urban development. The multiple benefits of trees in urban settings have often been overlooked. However, urban trees are essential to ensure a good quality of life. Only knowledge and recognition of the benefits of the urban tree can ensure its salvation. This is why we must ensure to demonstrate the ecological benefits of trees and green spaces, which must remain at the heart of our concerns.

The air purifying tree
The trees and other vegetation influence the quality of the air we breathe, acting as genuine air filters (absorption of dust). In fact, pollutants and dust suspended in the air can be captured by the leaves of trees, thus limiting their circulation in the environment.

The tree is synonymous with biological diversity
The diversity of organisms, mainly in the forest, is a fundamental measure of the health of the natural environment. The disappearance of a single plant species can alone lead to the extinction of 30 animal species. The energy produced and stored by plants is a source of food for animals.